We Are Debt Advisers

Let's create a better 'breathing space'

In May 2021 the Government introduced a new ‘breathing space’ scheme for people in debt in England & Wales.

We are front-line debt advisers, and we are worried it won’t work.

We all want ‘breathing space’ to work.

But Government isn’t listening.  Its proposals for the scheme haven’t changed since the Covid outbreak.
The world we all live in has. With millions more of us struggling to make ends meet.
As debt advisers, we need to be given the time to do our jobs properly. And people in debt need real solutions.
Government needs to listen to the front-line.

We need more time to help people claim the benefits they are entitled to and people who have lost their jobs need more time and support to get back into work.
The sixty days ‘breathing space’, which has been introduced, just isn’t long enough. Especially when unemployment is forecast to increase by a further million in the next year.
We also want action to prevent debt problems from turning into long-term poverty. People in debt need to be able to live with dignity and many will need a ‘fresh start’.
Let’s give people in debt a real chance for a better future.


Latest News


The Guardian covers Money and Pensions Service threat to face-to-face debt advice

System Error: Money and Pensions Service plans for the recommissioning of debt advice pose a threat to face-to-face services.

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The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) tender process for debt advice will slash community based services

Help us get the views of debtors into policy-making

We are Debt Advisers is asking front-line debt advisers to help promote Together Against Debt’s survey of people with lived experience of debt.

We need your views about MaPS contracts

After speaking to several front-line debt advisers working under the Money and Pensions Service (‘MaPS’) contracts we have launched an on-line survey about the impacts these are having for advisers and clients.